maandag 14 december 2009

I'm still here...

I'm still here..., originally uploaded by uw-eric.

My photostream dried up the last few months, but that had a good reason.

maandag 7 september 2009

Dive site

Dive site, originally uploaded by uw-eric.

Little planets - always fun to make. This is my first and it works for me!

woensdag 2 september 2009

Red is red is red - revisited

Red is red is red - revisited, originally uploaded by uw-eric.

Calibrated my screen with a Spyder 3 Pro. Conclusion: It really makes a difference! I may have to (re)edit most of my previous work. Lots of (uw) pics are too dark and have a bit too much contrast & saturation.

donderdag 2 april 2009

Eureka! version 2

Eureka! version 2, originally uploaded by uw-eric.

Now that I have experimented with the lego track (that kept on falling of underwater) I created a new zoom ring using the rubber band from an old dive mask. The problem was that I couldn't find any glue that would hold - so I finally stapled the zoom ring together. Results to date: excellent - smooth zoom control and it doesn't fall of anymore.

maandag 9 maart 2009

Sea Squirt in RGB

Sea Squirt in RGB, originally uploaded by uw-eric.

Ciona Intestinalis at Dreischor, Netherlands. Found almost embedded is some kind of red stuff that looked like velvet. The blue colour is probably a RAW conversion error (I use Lightroom), but I like the effect.

vrijdag 6 maart 2009

Stoffer en Blik

Stoffer en Blik (opdracht 4.5), originally uploaded by uw-eric.

This image was taken for a course on Digital Underwater Photography, I'm currently attending / instructing. Assignment: make a close-up wide angle image.

dinsdag 3 maart 2009


Impressionism, originally uploaded by uw-eric.

Straight from the camera, adjusted colours a bit and cropped to a proper composition. By tilting the camera while making a shot with longer exposure times this impressionistic image was created.

Studie: landschap impressie rechtstreeks uit de camera - geen photoshop, geen creatieve filters, alleen de camera op een juiste manier "bedienen" kleuren bijstellen en bijsnijden. Nu nog een leuk onderwerp...

zaterdag 10 januari 2009

Ladies are not adults

Ladies are not adults, originally uploaded by uw-eric.

While being in the Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, I noticed this sign at the hotel's swimming pool. From this eyebrow lifting statement one could infer that ladies are not adults. A product of bad English and the strict segregation of the sexes in KSA.