dinsdag 25 mei 2010


Kinderdijk, originally uploaded by Eric Burgers.

It is really weird: I go through a lot of trouble to get proper underwater images, and nobody seems to react or like them. Then I take a picture which is basically a cliche in the Netherlands (yep, windmills, the only things missing are a farmer and his wife on wooden shoes, and add a few cows on the background) and everybody suddenly likes the work.

Taking underwater pictures is highly under appreciated! (sigh)

dinsdag 18 mei 2010

Entering the Arch

Entering the Arch, originally uploaded by Eric Burgers.

The exit (@ -200 feet) to the open sea from the Blue Hole at Dahab. Of course there are no colours left (only blue) en strobes are useless if you look at the size of the Arch. (10-20 mm W/A)

Broke a new (depth) record here. You do not have to go much deeper than this to meet the grim reeper.