zaterdag 3 november 2012

Preparing for winter

Preparing for winter, originally uploaded by Eric Burgers.

Image taken during the golden hour. I spooked the birds during the shoot. This image was taken with the camera on a tripod, using the Cactus V5 radiopopper as a remote. I had to backup some 200 meters before the seagulls started swarming around the tractor again.

vrijdag 27 juli 2012

Rare beauty (Urticina felina)

Abstract of a very beautiful, big and rare anemone in the Grevelingenmeer.

vrijdag 13 juli 2012

Van Brienenoordbrug

Van Brienenoordbrug, originally uploaded by Eric Burgers.

Nightshot of the Van Brienoordbrug. 30 seconds exposure, 20mm WA on a tripod.

zondag 8 juli 2012

Typical Dutch summer

Typical Dutch summer, originally uploaded by Eric Burgers.

HDR based on a bracketing series of 3 (-2, 0 2 EV).

dinsdag 3 juli 2012


Slow, originally uploaded by Eric Burgers.

Shooting in my backyard, after the rain. Slug-o-rama!

zondag 29 april 2012

Carp in the quarry

Carp in the quarry, originally uploaded by Eric Burgers.

Encounter in the quarry "La Roche Fontaine", south of Belgium (Cyprinus carpio).

zondag 15 april 2012


Blokarting, originally uploaded by Eric Burgers.

My son trying out blo-karting. He's a natural!!!

zaterdag 14 april 2012

Meet mr. Crab

Meet mr. Crab, originally uploaded by Eric Burgers.

A crab, up close and personal. Standard macro setup for stobes. (inon z-240 on TTL camera left on axis, inon S-200 on TTL camera left up).

maandag 9 april 2012

mr. Shrimpy

mr. Shrimpy, originally uploaded by Eric Burgers.

Practicing for the Open Dutch Championships. If I want to stand a chance: practice, practice, practice....

woensdag 14 maart 2012

High Five! (Semibalanus balanoides)

Finally, I can use my macro lens underwater, and the results are quite impressive. Handling the lens is a bit difficult, as the magnification is 1,5:1 (1:1 macro lens + the effect of a flat port).

I need more practice....